Start Writing Your Novel 12-Month Accountability Planner
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That novel you keep saying you're going to write? It's time to make it happen.
This 40-page downloadable planner is designed to help you externalise your goals, set (and meet) manageable weekly and monthly targets, and keep you on track across 12 months of novel-writing magic.
What's inside:
A project hub page where you can keep any notes you take along the way in one easy-to-find central repository
12 monthly planning pages which include:
- space to list out your overall weekly and monthly goals for each month
- a grid to sketch in times when you plan to write
- room to make note of any upcoming work or life events that will need your focus during the month so that you can adjust your writing time accordingly
- affirmations to keep you moving forward when self-doubt strikes
12 monthly review pages which include:
- space to reflect on the month just passed and evaluate your target versus results
- room to reflect on what got in the way of your writing progress during the month (and what you can learn from this)
- a reminder to make room for self-care
Let's get your novel out of your head and onto the page. Imagine where you'll be this time next year...